
A Pal who's never without a bright smile. Occasionally, it gets its tentacles tied up in knots by <characterName id=|PinkCat|/>'s pranks. During those moments, its expression changes into something altogether demonic.

Item Drops



Partner Skill
Skilled Fingers

While in team, increases attack power of COMMON_ELEMENT_NAME_Normal Pals. While at a base, increases work efficiency if working at WeaponFactory_Dirty_01.

Active Skills
Air Cannon
Lvl 1

Power: 25

Cooldown: 2

Range: 500 - 4000

Power Shot
Lvl 7

Charges energy into a focused blast.

Power: 35

Cooldown: 4

Range: 600 - 3000

Ice Missile
Lvl 15

Creates ice lances in the air that fly towards enemies.

Power: 30

Cooldown: 3

Range: 800 - 3000

Blizzard Spike
Lvl 22

It deals damage to those in the surrounding area upon impact.

Power: 130

Cooldown: 45

Range: 1000 - 9999

Power Bomb
Lvl 30

Charges a massive amount of energy before firing a large destructive ball.

Power: 70

Cooldown: 15

Range: 1000 - 9999

Lvl 40

Summons a sharp ice lance under an enemy.

Power: 70

Cooldown: 15

Range: 100 - 9999

Pal Blast
Lvl 50

Charges destructive energy before firing a high-powered beam forward across a wide area.

Power: 150

Cooldown: 55

Range: 500 - 1800