Gold Coin

Animal Skin


Poison Arrow

Fire Arrow

Assault Rifle

Stone Axe

Metal Axe

Refined Metal Axe


Wooden Club


Meat Cleaver

Stun Baton

Red Berries

Baked Berries





High Quality Cloth

Cloth Outfit


Metal Armor

Metal Helm



Double-barreled Shotgun

Rocket Ammo



Pelt Armor

Feathered Hair Band

Grilled Meat




Decal Gun 1

Decal Gun 2

Decal Gun 3

Decal Gun 4

Decal Gun 5

Low Grade Medical Supplies

Medical Supplies

High Grade Medical Supplies

Mind Control Meds

Beautiful Flower

Suspicious Juice

Strange Juice

Memory Wiping Medicine

Homing Sphere Launcher

Refined Metal Armor

Refined Metal Helm

Refined Ingot

Energy Cartridge

Laser Rifle

Rocket Launcher



Circuit Board

Pal Sphere

Mega Sphere

Giga Sphere

Hyper Sphere

Ultra Sphere

Legendary Sphere

Radar Sphere


Stone Pickaxe

Metal Pickaxe

Refined Metal Pickaxe

Pump-action Shotgun

Single-shot Rifle

Decal Ink

Handgun Ammo

Rifle Ammo

Shotgun Shells

Coarse Ammo

Machine Gun Ammo

Assault Rifle Ammo

Magnum Ammo

Scatter Sphere Launcher

Single-shot Sphere Launcher

Pal Metal Armor

Pal Metal Helm

Pal Metal Ingot


Paldium Fragment

Paldium Clump


Huge Dung Pile


Frag Grenade

Incendiary Grenade

Shock Grenade

Ice Grenade


Old Bow

Poison Bow

Fire Bow

Poison Arrow Crossbow

Fire Arrow Crossbow

Three Shot Bow

Five Shot Bow

Berry Seeds


Tomato Seeds

Lettuce Seeds

Wheat Seeds





Crude Oil








Hot Milk

Jam-filled Bun



Stir-fried Veggies

Hot Dog


Marinated Mushrooms

Mushroom Soup





Bolognese Sauce


Mushroom Stew


Corn Soup



Grilled Fish

Seafood Soup

Fried Egg







Fishing Rod_Old

Fishing Rod_Good

Fishing Rod_Super

Fishing Rod_Legendary

Hand-held Torch

Normal Parachute

Mega Glider

Giga Glider

Hyper Glider

Lightz Helmet

Gas Mask

Night Vision Goggles

Lifmunk Effigy





High Grade Technical Manual

Innovative Technical Manual

Future Technical Manual

Ancient Technical Manual

Lifmunk's Submachine Gun

Direhowl's Saddled Harness

Common Egg

Common Egg

Large Common Egg

Large Common Egg

Huge Common Egg

Scorching Egg

Scorching Egg

Large Scorching Egg

Large Scorching Egg

Huge Scorching Egg

Damp Egg

Damp Egg

Large Damp Egg

Large Damp Egg

Huge Damp Egg

Verdant Egg

Verdant Egg

Large Verdant Egg

Large Verdant Egg

Huge Verdant Egg

Electric Egg

Electric Egg

Large Electric Egg

Large Electric Egg

Huge Electric Egg

Frozen Egg

Frozen Egg

Large Frozen Egg

Large Frozen Egg

Huge Frozen Egg

Rocky Egg

Rocky Egg

Large Rocky Egg

Large Rocky Egg

Huge Rocky Egg

Dark Egg

Dark Egg

Large Dark Egg

Large Dark Egg

Huge Dark Egg

Dragon Egg

Dragon Egg

Large Dragon Egg

Large Dragon Egg

Huge Dragon Egg

Common Shield

Mega Shield

Giga Shield

Hyper Shield

Repair Kit

Ancient Civilization Parts

Jormuntide Ignis Saddle

Eikthyrdeer Terra Saddle

Jolthog Cryst's Gloves

Dinossom Lux Saddle

Mammorest Cryst Saddle

Relaxaurus Lux's Missile Launcher

Pyrin Noct Saddle

Broncherry Aqua Saddle

Elphidran Aqua Saddle

Blazehowl Noct Saddle

Suzaku Aqua Saddle

Surfent Terra Saddle

Reptyro Cryst Saddle

Frostallion Noct Saddle

Mossanda Lux's Grenade Launcher

Wumpo Botan Saddle

Kingpaca Cryst Saddle

Vanwyrm Cryst Saddle

Hangyu Cryst's Glove

Jormuntide Saddle

Eikthyrdeer Saddle

Jolthog's Gloves

Foxparks's Harness

Rushoar Saddle

Tanzee's Assault Rifle

Pengullet's Rocket Launcher

Melpaca Saddle

Dinossom Saddle

Mammorest Saddle

Univolt Saddle

Grizzbolt's Minigun

Relaxaurus's Missile Launcher

Pyrin Saddle

Broncherry Saddle

Arsox Saddle

Azurobe Saddle

Elphidran Saddle

Fenglope Saddle

Tocotoco's Gloves

Galeclaw's Gloves

Killamari's Gloves

Celaray's Gloves

Maraith Saddle

Flopie's Necklace

Blazehowl Saddle

Suzaku Saddle

Surfent Saddle

Dazzi's Necklace

Reptyro Saddle

Kitsun Saddle

Daedream's Necklace

Dragostrophe's Shotgun

Frostallion Saddle

Faleris Saddle

Blazamut Saddle

Reindrix Saddle

Shadowbeak Saddle

Boltmane Saddle

Yakumo Saddle

Astegon Saddle

Quivern Saddle

Rayhound Saddle

Mossanda's Grenade Launcher

Wumpo Saddle

Nitewing Saddle

Jetragon's Missile Launcher

Helzephyr Saddle

Kingpaca Saddle

Paladius Saddle
Dark Mutant's Power Converter

Beakon Saddle

Ragnahawk Saddle

Necromus Saddle

Sweepa Saddle
Golden Horse Saddle
Bad Catgirl's Shotgun

Grintale Saddle

Dazemu Saddle

Digtoise's Headband

Vanwyrm Saddle

Chillet Saddle

Hangyu's Gloves

Makeshift Handgun

Life Pendant

Life Pendant +1

Life Pendant +2

Attack Pendant

Attack Pendant +1

Attack Pendant +2

Defense Pendant

Defense Pendant +1

Defense Pendant +2

Pendant of Diligence

Pendant of Diligence +1

Pendant of Diligence +2

Heat Resistant Undershirt

Heat Resistant Undershirt +1

Heat Resistant Undershirt +2

Thermal Undershirt

Thermal Undershirt +1

Thermal Undershirt +2

Ring of Resistance

Ring of Resistance +1

Ring of Resistance +2

Ring of Flame Resistance

Ring of Flame Resistance +1

Ring of Flame Resistance +2

Ring of Water Resistance

Ring of Water Resistance +1

Ring of Water Resistance +2

Ring of Lightning Resistance

Ring of Lightning Resistance +1

Ring of Lightning Resistance +2

Ring of Grass Resistance

Ring of Grass Resistance +1

Ring of Grass Resistance +2

Ring of Ice Resistance

Ring of Ice Resistance +1

Ring of Ice Resistance +2

Ring of Earth Resistance

Ring of Earth Resistance +1

Ring of Earth Resistance +2

Ring of Dark Resistance

Ring of Dark Resistance +1

Ring of Dark Resistance +2

Ring of Dragon Resistance

Ring of Dragon Resistance +1

Ring of Dragon Resistance +2

Small Pal Soul

Medium Pal Soul

Large Pal Soul


Baked Mushroom



Cotton Candy

Pure Quartz

High Quality Pal Oil


Electric Organ

Venom Gland

Flame Organ

Ice Organ




Carbon Fiber


Pal Fluids

Tocotoco Feather

Gumoss Leaf

Penking Plume

Katress Hair

Skill Fruit: Power Shot

Skill Fruit: Power Bomb

Skill Fruit: Pal Blast

Skill Fruit: Air Cannon

Skill Fruit: Implode

Grass Skill Fruit: Wind Cutter

Grass Skill Fruit: Grass Tornado

Grass Skill Fruit: Solar Blast

Grass Skill Fruit: Seed Machine Gun

Grass Skill Fruit: Spine Vine

Grass Skill Fruit: Seed Mine

Water Skill Fruit: Aqua Gun

Water Skill Fruit: Aqua Burst

Water Skill Fruit: Hydro Laser

Water Skill Fruit: Hydro Jet

Water Skill Fruit: Bubble Blast

Water Skill Fruit: Acid Rain

Fire Skill Fruit: Ignis Blast

Fire Skill Fruit: Ignis Breath

Fire Skill Fruit: Fire Ball

Fire Skill Fruit: Flare Arrow

Fire Skill Fruit: Spirit Fire

Fire Skill Fruit: Ignis Rage

Fire Skill Fruit: Flare Storm

Electric Skill Fruit: Shockwave

Electric Skill Fruit: Lightning Bolt

Electric Skill Fruit: Lightning Streak

Electric Skill Fruit: Plasma Tornado

Electric Skill Fruit: Spark Blast

Electric Skill Fruit: Lock-on Laser

Electric Skill Fruit: Electric Ball

Electric Skill Fruit: Tri-Lightning

Electric Skill Fruit: Lightning Strike

Earth Skill Fruit: Stone Cannon

Earth Skill Fruit: Sand Tornado

Earth Skill Fruit: Rock Lance

Earth Skill Fruit: Sand Blast

Earth Skill Fruit: Stone Blast

Ice Skill Fruit: Ice Missile

Ice Skill Fruit: Iceberg

Ice Skill Fruit: Blizzard Spike

Ice Skill Fruit: Icicle Cutter

Ice Skill Fruit: Cryst Breath

Dark Skill Fruit: Shadow Burst

Dark Skill Fruit: Nightmare Ball

Dark Skill Fruit: Psycho Gravity

Dark Skill Fruit: Poison Blast

Dark Skill Fruit: Spirit Flame

Dark Skill Fruit: Dark Laser

Dragon Skill Fruit: Draconic Breath

Dragon Skill Fruit: Dragon Cannon

Dragon Skill Fruit: Dragon Burst

Dragon Skill Fruit: Dragon Meteor

Precious Dragon Stone

Precious Plume

Precious Entrails

Precious Claw

Precious Pelt

Stone Spear

Metal Spear

Refined Metal Spear

Elizabee's Staff

Beegarde's Spear

Lily's Spear

Hip Lantern

Small Feed Bag

Average Feed Bag

Large Feed Bag

Huge Feed Bag

Giant Feed Bag

Grappling Gun +0

Mega Grappling Gun +1

Giga Grappling Gun +2

Hyper Grappling Gun +3

Monarch's Crown

Monarch's Crown +1

Monarch's Crown +2

Monarch's Crown +3

Monarch's Crown +4

Golden Crown

Golden Crown +1

Golden Crown +2

Golden Crown +3

Golden Crown +4

Long-eared Headband

Long-eared Headband +1

Long-eared Headband +2

Long-eared Headband +3

Long-eared Headband +4

Witch Hat

Witch Hat +1

Witch Hat +2

Witch Hat +3

Witch Hat +4

Soft Hat

Soft Hat +1

Soft Hat +2

Soft Hat +3

Soft Hat +4


Helmet +1

Helmet +2

Helmet +3

Helmet +4

Silk Hat

Silk Hat +1

Silk Hat +2

Silk Hat +3

Silk Hat +4


Tricorne +1

Tricorne +2

Tricorne +3

Tricorne +4

Explorer Cap

Explorer Cap +1

Explorer Cap +2

Explorer Cap +3

Explorer Cap +4

Graduation cap

Graduation cap +1

Graduation cap +2

Graduation cap +3

Graduation cap +4

Farming Hat

Farming Hat +1

Farming Hat +2

Farming Hat +3

Farming Hat +4

Bowler Hat

Bowler Hat +1

Bowler Hat +2

Bowler Hat +3

Bowler Hat +4

Tocotoco Cap

Tocotoco Cap +1

Tocotoco Cap +2

Tocotoco Cap +3

Tocotoco Cap +4

Grinning Tocotoco Cap

Grinning Tocotoco Cap +1

Grinning Tocotoco Cap +2

Grinning Tocotoco Cap +3

Grinning Tocotoco Cap +4

Gumoss Cap

Gumoss Cap +1

Gumoss Cap +2

Gumoss Cap +3

Gumoss Cap +4

Penking Cap

Penking Cap +1

Penking Cap +2

Penking Cap +3

Penking Cap +4

Katress Cap

Katress Cap +1

Katress Cap +2

Katress Cap +3

Katress Cap +4

Monarch's Crown Schematic 1

Monarch's Crown Schematic 2

Monarch's Crown Schematic 3

Monarch's Crown Schematic 4

Blueprint of the King's Crown 5

Golden Crown Schematic 1

Golden Crown Schematic 2

Golden Crown Schematic 3

Golden Crown Schematic 4

Blueprint for Golden Crown 5

Long-eared Headband Schematic 1

Long-eared Headband Schematic 2

Long-eared Headband Schematic 3

Long-eared Headband Schematic 4

5 Blueprints of Long-eared Headband

Witch Hat Schematic 1

Witch Hat Schematic 2

Witch Hat Schematic 3

Witch Hat Schematic 4

Design of Witch Hat No. 5

Soft Hat Schematic 1

Soft Hat Schematic 2

Soft Hat Schematic 3

Soft Hat Schematic 4

Blueprint of Soft Hat 5

Helmet Schematic 1

Helmet Schematic 2

Helmet Schematic 3

Helmet Schematic 4

Blueprint of Helmet 5

Silk Hat Schematic 1

Silk Hat Schematic 2

Silk Hat Schematic 3

Silk Hat Schematic 4

5 Schematic Diagrams of the Silk Hat

Tricorne Schematic 1

Tricorne Schematic 2

Tricorne Schematic 3

Tricorne Schematic 4

Blueprint of the Tricorn Hat 5

Exploration Cap Schematic 1

Exploration Cap Schematic 2

Exploration Cap Schematic 3

Exploration Cap Schematic 4

Blueprint of Exploration Hat 5

Graduate Cap Schematic 1

Graduate Cap Schematic 2

Graduate Cap Schematic 3

Graduate Cap Schematic 4

Blueprint 5 of University Hat

Farming Hat Schematic 1

Farming Hat Schematic 2

Farming Hat Schematic 3

Farming Hat Schematic 4

5 Diagrams of Agricultural Hat

Bowler Hat Schematic 1

Bowler Hat Schematic 2

Bowler Hat Schematic 3

Bowler Hat Schematic 4

Blueprint of Bowler Hat 5

Tocotoco Cap Schematic 1

Tocotoco Cap Schematic 2

Tocotoco Cap Schematic 3

Tocotoco Cap Schematic 4

Design Plan 5 for the Crutchli Hat

Grinning Tocotoco Cap Schematic 1

Grinning Tocotoco Cap Schematic 2

Grinning Tocotoco Cap Schematic 3

Grinning Tocotoco Cap Schematic 4

Grinning Curly Hat Blueprint 5

Gumoss Cap Schematic 1

Gumoss Cap Schematic 2

Gumoss Cap Schematic 3

Gumoss Cap Schematic 4

5 Blueprints of Naemochi Hat

Penking Cap Schematic 1

Penking Cap Schematic 2

Penking Cap Schematic 3

Penking Cap Schematic 4

Blueprint of Capppen Hat 5

Katress Cap Schematic 1

Katress Cap Schematic 2

Katress Cap Schematic 3

Katress Cap Schematic 4

Design Blueprint of Clemence Hat 5

Copper Key

Silver Key

Gold Key


Old Bow +1

Old Bow +2

Old Bow +3

Old Bow +4

Crossbow +1

Crossbow +2

Crossbow +3

Crossbow +4

Assault Rifle +1

Assault Rifle +2

Assault Rifle +3

Assault Rifle +4

Pump-action Shotgun +1

Pump-action Shotgun +2

Pump-action Shotgun +3

Pump-action Shotgun +4

Handgun +1

Handgun +2

Handgun +3

Handgun +4

Rocket Launcher +1

Rocket Launcher +2

Rocket Launcher +3

Rocket Launcher +4

Musket +1

Musket +2

Musket +3

Musket +4

Double-barreled Shotgun +1

Double-barreled Shotgun +2

Double-barreled Shotgun +3

Double-barreled Shotgun +4

Single-shot Rifle +1

Single-shot Rifle +2

Single-shot Rifle +3

Single-shot Rifle +4

Cloth Outfit +1

Cloth Outfit +2

Cloth Outfit +3

Cloth Outfit +4

Pelt Armor +1

Pelt Armor +2

Pelt Armor +3

Pelt Armor +4

Metal Armor +1

Metal Armor +2

Metal Armor +3

Metal Armor +4

Refined Metal Armor +1

Refined Metal Armor +2

Refined Metal Armor +3

Refined Metal Armor +4

Pal Metal Armor +1

Pal Metal Armor +2

Pal Metal Armor +3

Pal Metal Armor +4

Feathered Hair Band +1

Feathered Hair Band +2

Feathered Hair Band +3

Feathered Hair Band +4

Metal Helm +1

Metal Helm +2

Metal Helm +3

Metal Helm +4

Refined Metal Helm +1

Refined Metal Helm +2

Refined Metal Helm +3

Refined Metal Helm +4

Pal Metal Helm +1

Pal Metal Helm +2

Pal Metal Helm +3

Pal Metal Helm +4

Old Bow Schematic 1

Old Bow Schematic 2

Old Bow Schematic 3

Old Bow Schematic 4

Crossbow Schematic 1

Crossbow Schematic 2

Crossbow Schematic 3

Crossbow Schematic 4

Assault Rifle Schematic 1

Assault Rifle Schematic 2

Assault Rifle Schematic 3

Assault Rifle Schematic 4

Pump-Action Shotgun Schematic 1

Pump-Action Shotgun Schematic 2

Pump-Action Shotgun Schematic 3

Pump-Action Shotgun Schematic 4

Handgun Schematic 1

Handgun Schematic 2

Handgun Schematic 3

Handgun Schematic 4

Rocket Launcher Schematic 1

Rocket Launcher Schematic 2

Rocket Launcher Schematic 3

Rocket Launcher Schematic 4

Musket Schematic 1

Musket Schematic 2

Musket Schematic 3

Musket Schematic 4

Double-barreled Shotgun Schematic 1

Double-barreled Shotgun Schematic 2

Double-barreled Shotgun Schematic 3

Double-barreled Shotgun Schematic 4

Single-shot Rifle Schematic 1

Single-shot Rifle Schematic 2

Single-shot Rifle Schematic 3

Single-shot Rifle Schematic 4

Feathered Hair Band Schematic 1

Feathered Hair Band Schematic 2

Feathered Hair Band Schematic 3

Feathered Hair Band Schematic 4

Metal Helm Schematic 1

Metal Helm Schematic 2

Metal Helm Schematic 3

Metal Helm Schematic 4

Refined Metal Helm Schematic 1

Refined Metal Helm Schematic 2

Refined Metal Helm Schematic 3

Refined Metal Helm Schematic 4

Pal Metal Helm Schematic 1

Pal Metal Helm Schematic 2

Pal Metal Helm Schematic 3

Pal Metal Helm Schematic 4

Cloth Outfit Schematic 1

Cloth Outfit Schematic 2

Cloth Outfit Schematic 3

Cloth Outfit Schematic 4

Pelt Armor Schematic 1

Pelt Armor Schematic 2

Pelt Armor Schematic 3

Pelt Armor Schematic 4

Metal Armor Schematic 1

Metal Armor Schematic 2

Metal Armor Schematic 3

Metal Armor Schematic 4

Refined Metal Armor Schematic 1

Refined Metal Armor Schematic 2

Refined Metal Armor Schematic 3

Refined Metal Armor Schematic 4

Pal Metal Armor Schematic 1

Pal Metal Armor Schematic 2

Pal Metal Armor Schematic 3

Pal Metal Armor Schematic 4

Tropical Outfit Schematic 1

Tropical Outfit Schematic 2

Tropical Outfit Schematic 3

Tropical Outfit Schematic 4

Tundra Outfit Schematic 1

Tundra Outfit Schematic 2

Tundra Outfit Schematic 3

Tundra Outfit Schematic 4

Heat Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 1

Heat Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 2

Heat Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 3

Heat Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 4

Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 1

Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 2

Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 3

Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 4

Heat Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 1

Heat Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 2

Heat Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 3

Heat Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 4

Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 1

Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 2

Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 3

Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 4

Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 1

Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 2

Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 3

Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 4

Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 1

Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 2

Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 3

Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 4

Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 1

Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 2

Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 3

Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 4

Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 1

Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 2

Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 3

Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 4

Tropical Outfit

Tropical Outfit +1

Tropical Outfit +2

Tropical Outfit +3

Tropical Outfit +4

Tundra Outfit

Tundra Outfit +1

Tundra Outfit +2

Tundra Outfit +3

Tundra Outfit +4

Heat Resistant Pelt Armor

Heat Resistant Pelt Armor +1

Heat Resistant Pelt Armor +2

Heat Resistant Pelt Armor +3

Heat Resistant Pelt Armor +4

Cold Resistant Pelt Armor

Cold Resistant Pelt Armor +1

Cold Resistant Pelt Armor +2

Cold Resistant Pelt Armor +3

Cold Resistant Pelt Armor +4

Heat Resistant Metal Armor

Heat Resistant Metal Armor +1

Heat Resistant Metal Armor +2

Heat Resistant Metal Armor +3

Heat Resistant Metal Armor +4

Cold Resistant Metal Armor

Cold Resistant Metal Armor +1

Cold Resistant Metal Armor +2

Cold Resistant Metal Armor +3

Cold Resistant Metal Armor +4

Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor

Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor +1

Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor +2

Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor +3

Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor +4

Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor

Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor +1

Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor +2

Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor +3

Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor +4

Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor

Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor +1

Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor +2

Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor +3

Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor +4

Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor

Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor +1

Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor +2

Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor +3

Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor +4

Chikipi Poultry

Lamball Mutton

Raw Kelpsea

Galeclaw Poultry

Rushoar Pork

Raw Dumud

Eikthyrdeer Venison

Reindrix Venison

Caprity Meat

Mozzarina Meat

Broncherry Meat

Mammorest Meat

Grilled Chikipi

Lamball Kebab

Grilled Kelpsea

Grilled Galeclaw

Roast Rushoar

Broiled Dumud

Roast Eikthyrdeer

Roast Reindrix

Herb Roasted Caprity

Mozzarina Steak

Broncherry Rib Roast

Mammorest Steak

Chikipi Sauté

Herb Roasted Lamball

Grilled Lamball

Stewed Galeclaw

Rushoar Bacon 'n' Eggs

Reindrix Stew

Fried Chikipi

Rushoar Hot Dog

Eikthyrdeer Loco Moco

Eikthyrdeer Stew

Mozzarina Hamburger

Mozzarina Cheeseburger

Fried Kelpsea

Dumud Chowder

Gatling Gun

Lyleen Floral Cap

Sibelyx Hat

Leezpunk Hood

Killamari Cap

Cawgnito Hat

Ribbuny Headband

Lamball Helm

Dumud Helm

Swee Cap

Dazzi Hat

Cattiva Hat

Summoning Altar

Bellanoir's Slab

Bellanoir Libero's Slab

Bellanoir's Slab Fragment

Bellanoir Libero's Slab Fragment

Ancient Civilization Core

Ring of Mercy

Low Quality Recovery Meds

Recovery Meds

High Quality Recovery Meds

Cavern Mushroom

Ability Glasses

Vital Remedy

Stamina Remedy

Might Remedy

Speed Remedy

Burden Remedy

Vital Elixir

Stamina Elixir

Might Elixir

Speed Elixir

Burden Elixir

Life Lotus (S)

Stamina Lotus (S)

Power Lotus (S)

Speed Lotus (S)

Carrying Lotus (S)

Ribbuny Ribbon

Swee Hair

Killamari Tentacle

Dazzi Cloud

Leezpunk Crest

Life Lotus (L)

Stamina Lotus (L)

Power Lotus (L)

Speed Lotus (L)

Carrying Lotus (L)

Plasteel Armor

Plasteel Helmet

Training Manual (S)

Training Manual (M)

Training Manual (L)

Training Manual (XL)

Training Crystal

Life Fruit

Power Fruit

Stout Fruit

Grenade Launcher

Guided Missile Launcher

Multi Guided Missile Launcher

Laser Gatling Gun

Hyper Glider +3

Ultra Shield +4

Ultimate Sphere

Frag Grenade Mk2

Homeward Thundercloud

All-Purpose Pal Extract☆1

All-Purpose Pal Extract☆2

All-Purpose Pal Extract☆3

All-Purpose Pal Extract☆4

Concentrated All-Pupose Pal Extract

Multiclimate Undershirt

Multiclimate Undershirt +1

Multiclimate Undershirt +2

Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab

Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab Fragment

Witch's Crown (Ultra)

Blazamut Ryu Saddle

Helzephyr Lux Saddle

Quivern Botan Saddle

Chillet Ignis Saddle

Flamethrower Fuel

Missile Ammo

Grenade Ammo

Blazamut Ryu Slab

Blazamut Ryu Slab Fragment

Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) Slab

Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) Slab Fragment

Ring of Freight

Ring of Freight +1

Ring of Freight +2

Zoe Hat

Axel Hat

Lily Hat

Victor Hat

Marcus Hat

Horns of Supremacy

Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor

Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor

Lightweight Plasteel Armor


Gatling Gun Bullet

Meteorite Fragment

Dog Coin

Makeshift Handgun +1

Makeshift Handgun +2

Makeshift Handgun +3

Makeshift Handgun +4

Makeshift Handgun Schematic 1

Makeshift Handgun Schematic 2

Makeshift Handgun Schematic 3

Makeshift Handgun Schematic 4

Mysterious Accessory Box

Box of Mystery Accessories

Laser Rifle +1

Laser Rifle +2

Laser Rifle +3

Laser Rifle +4

Laser Rifle Schematic 1

Laser Rifle Schematic 2

Laser Rifle Schematic 3

Laser Rifle Schematic 4

Flamethrower Schematic 1

Flamethrower Schematic 2

Flamethrower Schematic 3

Flamethrower Schematic 4

Grenade Launcher +1

Grenade Launcher +2

Grenade Launcher +3

Grenade Launcher +4

Grenade Launcher Schematic 1

Grenade Launcher Schematic 2

Grenade Launcher Schematic 3

Grenade Launcher Schematic 4

Guided Missile Launcher +1

Guided Missile Launcher +2

Guided Missile Launcher +3

Guided Missile Launcher +4

Missile Launcher Schematic 1

Missile Launcher Schematic 2

Missile Launcher Schematic 3

Missile Launcher Schematic 4

Multi Guided Missile Launcher +1

Multi Guided Missile Launcher +2

Multi Guided Missile Launcher +3

Multi Guided Missile Launcher +4

Quad Missile Launcher Schematic 1

Quad Missile Launcher Schematic 2

Quad Missile Launcher Schematic 3

Quad Missile Launcher Schematic 4

Gatling Gun +1

Gatling Gun +2

Gatling Gun +3

Gatling Gun +4

Gatling Gun Schematic 1

Gatling Gun Schematic 2

Gatling Gun Schematic 3

Gatling Gun Schematic 4

Saya Hat

Skill Fruit: Air Blade

Skill Fruit: Circle Vine

Skill Fruit: Multicutter

Skill Fruit: Splash

Skill Fruit: Wall Splash

Skill Fruit: Flame Wall

Skill Fruit: Volcanic Rain

Skill Fruit: TriSpark

Skill Fruit: Thunder Rain

Skill Fruit: Thunderstorm

Skill Fruit: Rockburst

Skill Fruit: Sand Twister

Skill Fruit: Icicle Line

Skill Fruit: Diamond Rain

Skill Fruit: Dark Cannon

Skill Fruit: Dark Arrow

Skill Fruit: Umbral Surge

Skill Fruit: Apocalypse

Skill Fruit: Beam Slicer

Skill Fruit: Comet

Skill Fruit: Blast Cannon

Plasteel Armor +1

Plasteel Armor +2

Plasteel Armor +3

Plasteel Armor +4

Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor +1

Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor +2

Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor +3

Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor +4

Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor +1

Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor +2

Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor +3

Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor +4

Lightweight Plasteel Armor +1

Lightweight Plasteel Armor +2

Lightweight Plasteel Armor +3

Lightweight Plasteel Armor +4

Plasteel Helmet +1

Plasteel Helmet +2

Plasteel Helmet +3

Plasteel Helmet +4

Plasteel Armor Schematic 1

Plasteel Armor Schematic 2

Plasteel Armor Schematic 3

Plasteel Armor Schematic 4

Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 1

Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 2

Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 3

Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 4

Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 1

Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 2

Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 3

Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 4

Lightweight Plasteel Armor Schematic 1

Lightweight Plasteel Armor Schematic 2

Lightweight Plasteel Armor Schematic 3

Lightweight Plasteel Armor Schematic 4

Plasteel Helmet Schematic 1

Plasteel Helmet Schematic 2

Plasteel Helmet Schematic 3

Plasteel Helmet Schematic 4

Shroomer Saddle

Shroomer Noct Saddle

Selyne Saddle

Leezpunk Hood Schematic 1

Leezpunk Hood Schematic 2

Leezpunk Hood Schematic 3

Leezpunk Hood Schematic 4

Killamari Cap Schematic 1

Killamari Cap Schematic 2

Killamari Cap Schematic 3

Killamari Cap Schematic 4

Ribbuny Headband Schematic 1

Ribbuny Headband Schematic 2

Ribbuny Headband Schematic 3

Ribbuny Headband Schematic 4

Swee Cap Schematic 1

Swee Cap Schematic 2

Swee Cap Schematic 3

Swee Cap Schematic 4

Dazzi Hat Schematic 1

Dazzi Hat Schematic 2

Dazzi Hat Schematic 3

Dazzi Hat Schematic 4

Leezpunk Hood +1

Leezpunk Hood +2

Leezpunk Hood +3

Leezpunk Hood +4

Killamari Cap +1

Killamari Cap +2

Killamari Cap +3

Killamari Cap +4

Ribbuny Headband +1

Ribbuny Headband +2

Ribbuny Headband +3

Ribbuny Headband +4

Swee Cap +1

Swee Cap +2

Swee Cap +3

Swee Cap +4

Dazzi Hat +1

Dazzi Hat +2

Dazzi Hat +3

Dazzi Hat +4

Quad Missile Launcher Schematic

Lockpicking Tool v1

Xenogard Saddle

Meteor Launcher

Meteorite Bullet

Lockpicking Tool v2

Lockpicking Tool v3

Mysterious Mushroom

Mysterious Mushroom Juice

Skill Fruit: Holy Burst

Skill Fruit: Flame Funnel