
It wraps itself around an enemy's head, sucking out their insides. Pal mummies are occasionally found, but these are in fact <characterName id=|NegativeOctopus|/> victims.

Item Drops



Partner Skill
Fried Squid

While in team, can be summoned and used instead of a glider. Can float for long periods of time while gliding.

Active Skills
Hydro Jet
Lvl 1

Hurls a high speed ball of water at an enemy.

Power: 30

Cooldown: 2

Range: 500 - 5000

Poison Blast
Lvl 7

Hurls poison sludge at an enemy.

Power: 30

Cooldown: 2

Range: 500 - 3000

Dark Ball
Lvl 15

Unleashes a sphere of darkness that slowly tracks down an enemy.

Power: 40

Cooldown: 4

Range: 500 - 1000

Shadow Burst
Lvl 22

Quickly discharges dark energy, damaging those around it.

Power: 55

Cooldown: 10

Range: 0 - 300

Acid Rain
Lvl 30

Creates acidic clouds that pour down acid rain on enemies.

Power: 80

Cooldown: 18

Range: 100 - 1000

Nightmare Ball
Lvl 40

Creates a giant ball of darkness and hurls it at an enemy.

Power: 100

Cooldown: 30

Range: 1000 - 9999

Dark Laser
Lvl 50

Charges dark energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.

Power: 150

Cooldown: 55

Range: 500 - 1800