It calls forth lightning from the depths of hell. While considered a subspecies of <characterName id=|HadesBird|/>, there's a theory that suggests <characterName id=|HadesBird_Electric|/>, struck by lightning from hell, will transform into <characterName id=|HadesBird|/>.
Item Drops
Can be ridden as a flying mount. Applies COMMON_ELEMENT_NAME_Electricity damage to the player's attacks while mounted.

The user releases a lightning ball that expands outward in a forward, circular pattern.
Power: 30
Cooldown: 2
Range: 500 - 5000

Quickly discharges electricity, shocking those around it.
Power: 40
Cooldown: 4
Range: 0 - 300

Fires off dark energy that homes in on an enemy.
Power: 65
Cooldown: 10
Range: 500 - 5000

Creates a giant ball of darkness and hurls it at an enemy.
Power: 100
Cooldown: 30
Range: 1000 - 9999

Simultaneously fires slow lightning balls that track the enemy.
Power: 110
Cooldown: 35
Range: 300 - 3000

Calls lightning that strikes an enemy after a set amount of time has passed.
Power: 135
Cooldown: 45
Range: 0 - 2000

Generates a huge tornado of lightning that moves slowly towards the enemy.
Power: 160
Cooldown: 60
Range: 0 - 5000