Its body becomes a blade upon death, to be taken up by the next generation. If someone other than a <characterName id=|Ronin|/> wields this blade, the soul within torments them until they are driven mad.
Item Drops
When activated, attacks targeted enemy with a powerful Unique_Ronin_Iai.

Hurls a ball of fire straight at an enemy.
Power: 30
Cooldown: 2
Range: 500 - 5000

Fires a high speed blade of wind that flies straight at an enemy.
Power: 30
Cooldown: 2
Range: 500 - 5000

Creates a crescent blade of ice and hurls it forward.
Power: 55
Cooldown: 10
Range: 500 - 4000

After Holding the sword, he appears in front of the enemy in an instant and unleashes a Ultra-fast sword draw attack.
Power: 65
Cooldown: 9
Range: 1000 - 9999

Shoots flames at an enemy, dealing continuous damage.
Power: 70
Cooldown: 15
Range: 500 - 1500

Acts as a lightning rod, calling down thunderbolts that electrocute the surrounding area.
Power: 120
Cooldown: 40
Range: 0 - 500

Energizes the surrounding ground, causing it to explode after a set amount of time.
Power: 120
Cooldown: 40
Range: 100 - 1000